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Jaloo’s news is the place for naughty news on Jaloo UK. Feeling tired of looking for erotic news and ending up on blogs about female pleasure? Jaloo’s blog is loyal to its pledge: being dedicated to the sexuality of males only. And not to the sexuality of women as most sex blogs do. Here, you’ll be informed about the release of new sex toys for men, promotions, and events about to take place on Jaloo UK. Jaloo’s news is a blog category about sex for men living as a couple, mature men, young men, and porno lovers… To make it short, Jaloo UK is a blog for all males.

My Jaloo members

Welcome to the paradise of male pleasure. Feel free to browse through our male garden filled with aphrodisiac scents mixed with wild fragrances and enjoy this place dedicated to male pleasure only. More than a sex shop, Jaloo is a love store.

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